Frontline Fabrication is proud to announce that we are now an official SwiftCARB online distributor. We use SwiftCARB tools day in, day out on all of our products. They provide the best finishes and highest efficiency roughing out of any solid carbide tools that we’ve tried.

We’ve tried to provide as many tooling options as possible in the store, but due to the wide variety of tools that are stocked by SwiftCARB, some tools from their catalog may not be listed. Custom tools are also available in any series. For inquiries on unlisted tools or custom tool requests, use the Tool Request tab located on every product page. Fill the form out, and we will promptly add the unlisted tool, or quote you a custom configuration.

Frontline Fabrication is proud to announce that we are now an official SwiftCARB online distributor. We use SwiftCARB tools day in, day out on all of our products. They provide the best finishes and highest efficiency roughing out of any solid carbide tools that we’ve tried.

Have Questions?
If you’re unsure of how to place an order, or have a general question, check out our Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to our most common questions. If you don’t see it, just Contact Us and we’ll be sure to help you out!