Are the products you have listed the only parts I can order?

We currently sell 6 different SwiftCARB series tools on our website.    Though the AC, AF, AV, XD, XM, and XT series are all that is listed, we can order any SwiftCARB product. If a tool that you are looking for within those series is unavailable, use the Tool Request tab located on any of the product pages to request that it be added to the site.

Check out their site for more products at www.swiftcarb.com and Contact Us for Ordering Information.

I need to achieve incredible finishes on aluminum walls and floors, what tools should I be looking at?

For wall and floor finishes in aluminum, the AF4 and AF5 tools are unmatched. We use these for all our finishing needs and they always deliver. AF4, being 4-flute, I would consider the more general purpose of the two, with the ability to machine tighter corners without inducing chatter as much as the AF5. If you have outside geometries or are using the tool in a bull-nose form for 3D finishing, the AF5 will achieve the same results as the AF4 with the capability of a faster feed rate.

I need to achieve incredible finishes on 3D aluminum surfaces, what tools should I be looking at?

For 3D aluminum surfaces, you should mainly be looking at the BC2 and BCEL2 series. These provide stellar surface finishes on 3D surfaces as well as walls if being used in a pencil toolpath application. You can also look at the AF4 and AF5 series with a corner radius if you have the geometry to allow it.

I'm using high speed toolpaths and need to remove aluminum as quickly as possible, what tool should I use?

The AV3 and AVEL3 series aluminum specific RampMills will be your ticket. They are the highest efficiency solid carbide tools that we have tried for roughing aluminum and have the benefit of being able to ramp into solid aluminum at very high helix angles. For example, a 1/2″ tool can ramp at 12 degrees with just flood coolant and 17 degrees with through spindle coolant. This may seem scary, but we do it all the time without fail. That same 1/2″ tool is also easily capable of 100+ cubic inches per minute of material removal if you have the horsepower.

I need a more a more general purpose, high performance endmill for aluminum that still achieves great finishes, what should I buy?

The AC3 series is where you should be looking. These are more comparable to the more general-use, high performance solid carbide tools on the market, but still have the advantage in finish quality. They can be used in any sort of toolpath as well as slotting with great results. We even use these as dedicated finishers in some cases and the surface finishes are almost as good as the AF series when run at the same chipload.

I want to order several of the same tool. Do you give discounts for bulk purchases?

Yes, some tools do have a discount schedule for larger quantities. Contact us for more info on your specific needs.